Tuesday 9 September 2014

Finding Comfort in the Steadfast

I am writing this blog post during a week that holds a lot of change. Children across the country have returned to school; often to new classrooms, teachers and even friends. For me, this week marks the end of one chapter of life and the beginning of the next. Yesterday I attended my penultimate dance class at the dance school I have been attending for, ooh 7 or 8 years?! I left the studio with a heavy heart recognising that, at least for now, I have to say goodbye to a place and group of people who have filled a large part of my life. This coming weekend I will be moving house, back into central Oxford ready to begin a year-long internship with St Aldates Church. A week on Saturday I will bid farewell to my undergraduate years as I graduate from university and see my friends disperse all over the world.

All this change currently has me locked in a state of fear and sadness. I have never been very good at seeing things come to an end – my parents can attest to floods of tears every time we neared the end of a family holiday! I don’t know whether it’s saying goodbye to the old or the uncertainty of the new – probably a combination of them both – but change is something I find very uncomfortable. While some people I know live for change; for excitement and new adventures, I certainly do not. Some people would probably have spent this week uncontrollably excited, thrilled at the prospect of starting a year serving God in a ministry they absolutely love. But for me, despite a deep desire for a wonderful year working in the Children’s Team at St Aldates, I somehow can’t help but miserably dwell on the negatives of change. I feel truly sorry for my family who are having to put up with me this week and my emotionally fragile state – it seems that almost anything can make me cry!

Reflecting on this uneasy transition phase has taken me back to some of my initial thoughts when I began my one word journey back in January. At the time I felt that the verse Matthew 14:29 might be a good one to represent the year ahead. In it Jesus instructs Peter to take a risk and step out of the boat, and Peter does just that.

In this crazy time of preparations, goodbyes and new beginnings I am trying to find comfort in the Steadfast. I believe in an unchanging God, who is always there, and it is with my eyes fixed on him that I choose to step out of the boat and into the unknown waters of my next adventure.

“The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases;
    his mercies never come to an end;
 they are new every morning;
    great is your faithfulness.”

Lamentations 3:22-23